5. Departure
This page is dedicated to help pilots to better visualize the surrounding terrain during the IFR departure. NOTE: For specific IFR departure procedures refer to the AIP Italy.
Due to obstacles in the vicinity of the aerodrome, take-offs from RWY 09 must be performed under Visual Conditions only until ABN NDB to be reached at 1500 ft or above. Then proceed according to the assigned SID.
Obstacle separation and terrain clearance is pilot’s responsibility during the initial visual climb out phase.
NOTE: Visual take-off for RWY 09 and for RWY 27 allowed only to aircraft having performances that can assure a safe obstacles clearance.
NOTE: Due to the unavailability of a circling area for immediate return, the pilot/operator shall plan in advance an alternate departure aerodrome.
The VMC Minima are:
– in flight: visibility not less than 6 km by day, 8 km by night, clear of clouds and in sight of the surface.
NOTE: The image is taken from GoogleTM earth and is only indicative.
Aeroporto Internazionale di Villanova d’Albenga “C. Panero” – Sito ufficiale
International Airport of Villanova d’Albenga “C. Panero” – Official site
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